“If you want to change the world, who do you begin with, yourself or others? I believe if we begin with ourselves and do the things that we need to do and become the best person we

Change comes with growth and improvement. What do you need to do today to become better?

Growth, Change

can be, we have a much better chance of changing the world for the better.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Element by Ken Robinson

“In the age of upheaval, the quantities of foresight and ingenuity required to run a large organization exceed the abilities of any single human being or small team – and the bar keeps going up.

What's your organization's ability to mobilize the everyday genius of your coworkers?


It’s time to call off the search for superhuman leaders. What we need aren’t extraordinary leaders, but organizations that mobilize and monetize the everyday genius of ‘ordinary’ employees.”

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them

“An organization’s capacity for renewal should never depend on the capacity of a few senior leaders to learn and unlearn..”

Who is involved in your organization's capacity for renewal?


Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy

“In this truth we find the single greatest threat to organizational resilience: the unwillingness or inability of senior leaders to write off their own depreciating intellectual capital.

Do your managers have the freedom to challenge your outdated dogma?


This failing would be less dangerous if subordinates felt empowered to challenge the C-suite dogma, but most middle managers are disinclined to bite the hand that feeds them. Thus myopia, like authority, trickles down.”

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy

“…senior leaders often have much of their emotional equity invested in the past. While veteran leaders may have the benefit of experience, they’re weighed down by legacy beliefs.

Are you looking at assumptions about customers, technology, and the competitive environment through the clear eyes of today?


Many of their assumptions about customers, technology, and the competitive environment were forged years or decades earlier, and reflect a world that no longer exists.”

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy

“The question at the core of bureaucracy is, “How do we get human beings to better serve the organization?” The question at the heart of humanocracy is, “What sort of organization elicits and

Bureaucracy is so 20th century. What does your company need to create, build and implement to better serve human beings?

Flourishing, Growth

merits the best that human beings can give?”

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy

“In a humanocracy, the organization is the instrument – it’s the vehicle human beings use to better their lives and lives of those they serve.”

Flourishing, Growth

Flourishing, Growth

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy

“We are defined by the causes we serve. Our identity is discovered in the challenges we embrace.”

Based on your embraced challenges, what is your identity?

Be Who You Are, Leadership

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, Humanocracy

“No one gets a Suzuki tattoo. You can decide that you want to be tattoo-worthy.”

Why would a customer tatto your logo on their body?


Seth Godin on Suzuki vs. Harley-Davidson in Tim Ferriss’s, Tools of Titans

“I don’t like talking in terms of tech trends because I think, once you have a trend, you have many people doing it. And once you have many people doing something,

One's purpose seldom turns up as a commodity. What's your company's purpose?


you have lots of competition and little differentiation.”

Peter Thiel in Tim Ferriss’s, Tools of Titans

“Don’t be a dog, think: What if? From the early days of WordPress, we would always think: Okay, if we do X today, what does that result in tomorrow, a year from now,

Planning is a mindset. What does short, midterm and long term success look like?

Vision, Mindset

ten years from now?” — Matt Mullenweg

“The metaphor I think of the most – because it’s simple – is the dog chasing the car. What does the dog do if he catches the car? He doesn’t have a plan for it. So I find it just as often on the entrepreneurial side. People don’t plan for success.” — Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

“Everyone is interesting. If you’re ever bored in a conversation, the problem’s with you, not the other person.”

What questions aren't you asking?

Relationship Building

Matt Mullenweg in Tim Ferriss’s, Tools of Titans

“Jim Rohn famously said, ‘If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy.”

What difference are you making based upon what you're learning?

Personal Development

Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans

“Mastery doesn’t come from an infographic. What you know doesn’t mean &%$#. What do you do consistently?”

What massive action are you taking based on what you know?


Tony Robbins in Tim Ferriss’s, Tools of Titans

“If more information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

Is it time to synthesize the information you already have? Is it time to take massive action?


Derek Sivers in Tim Ferriss’s, Tools of Titans